Boronia Heights State School is a professional learning community with an agreed set of practices for continuous improvement in student learning. We believe that this will be delivered through:
Every student
In every class
Each day
These practises are used to ensure that each student will experience educational success, and personal growth and development through our provision of an accessible, engaging, and challenging personalised curriculum.
At Boronia Heights State School, we provide:
- Quality teaching and learning informed by research and practice.
- Differentiated practice informed by data.
- High expectations for the success of all students and teachers.
- Contemporary pedagogy.
- Early identification of needs and proactive intervention.
- Social, emotional and behavioural support programs.
- Allocation of resources in pursuit of improved student learning including extensive professional learning opportunities that ensure staff have the opportunity to collaborate, analyse student work and engage in contemporary classroom practice.
- Access to a range of digital learning technologies.
- Enhanced academic, sporting, cultural, artistic, and community citizenship programs.
- Collective leadership.
- Effective partnerships within and beyond the school community where parents are valued and actively participating in their child’s learning.
- Acknowledgement and celebration of success.