Students with disability
The departments Every student with disability succeeding 2021-2025 plan aims to support the success and wellbeing of every student with disability through each stage of learning in an inclusive and equitable education environment.
All Queensland state school students have a right to access and participate in education, supported by reasonable adjustments, on the same basis as their peers. The Equity and Excellence: Realising the potential of every student is Queensland's plan to lift the performance of each child and student in our state school system.
Our Priorities
- Success and wellbeing for all children and students through each stage of learning in an inclusive and equitable education system.
- Continuous improvement in access to, and teaching, learning and assessment of the Australian Curriculum.
A Boronia Heights SS, our Inclusion Support Teachers and Teacher Aides work in our classrooms alongside our classroom teachers to ensure students with disability are provided with reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet an individual student's needs. Additional classroom supports ensure students can access education 'on the same basis' as their peers.
External Agencies @ Boronia
Some students may require support from professionals outside of school to help them participate in the educational processes and achieve individual learning goals. At BHSS we work closely with colleagues from outside agencies and services to help support our students GROW. This support may include:
- providing a learning space in the Growth Hub for therapy to occur
- following up parent/ carer requests to share information with external agencies
- facilitating a student observation within the school setting
- completing questionnaires provided by paediatricians and or psychologists
External agencies who visit a student on the school site require the approval of the Principal prior to the visit.
External Agency request process:
1. Contact Head of Program: Inclusion via phone or email to request an external agency visit.
2. Complete the External Agencies Request form – Parent/Carer
3. Return the completed form for principal approval
4. External agency is contacted by the school. An External Agencies Request form – NDIS Provider is completed by the provider.
Additional documents are provided to the school by the therapist – blue card, insurance, mandatory training and proof of vaccination.
5. External agency is contacted to organise a suitable time for therapy.
Often, we receive requests from external agencies (psychologists) to observe a student in their classroom. An observation of a student within the classroom environment is only given approval by the Principal if ALL students in the classroom have parent consent for an external agency to visit the classroom. Please contact the school for further information.